Each player has four cards with adjectives on to play from. You will have a colored sheep to the left of these cards. A sheep on a green background signifies that your adjective should describe the subject of the round. A sheep on a red background signifies that your adjective should be the opposite of the subject of the round.
At the beginning of the round one player must select the topic for the round, (typically a noun e.g. potato)! Type this into the text window on the game and click ‐OK.
Once this has been done, all the other players will be able to see the topic. If you have a white sheep on a green background you must try to match your word (an adjective) with the chosen topic for this round. Click on the word which matches the topic and then "OK" (after all you) WANT people to select your card.
If you have a black sheep on a red background you must select a word (an adjective) which means the opposite to the chosen topic for this round. Click on the word which is unlike the topic and then "OK" (after all you) DO NOT WANT people to select your card. Once everyone has selected a card/word the countdown will begin. All the selected words will now be displayed. You must now select a card/word which Matches the topic. You cannot select your own! If you are not quick enough to select an word appropriate then "Pass". You need to be quick (the early bird catches the worm!). The colour of the sheep used for this topic is now shown against all the words selected. For every green sheep both selected the person who picked the card and the person who placed the card get 1 point. For every red sheep both selected the person who picked the card and the person who placed the card get -1 point. (Example: Attenpeter chose correct on Mandmax's card. Both get 1 point. Hampel incorrectly chose TORBEN's card therefore both get -1 point.
Each round you can score a maximum of +2 points or a minimum of -2 points.
If you played a white/green sheep and someone chose it, then you get +1. If another player chose your word they get +1. If no-one chose your word you get -1.
If one had a black/red sheep and someone chose, then you get -1. If another player chose your word they get -1. If no-one chose your word you get +1.
If you chose to pass you get zero points.
You should try and select words which are logically correct!
The game finishes once everyone has selected a certain number of topics. The number needed is as follows:
Players | Topics per player | Topics per game |
3 | 6 | 18 |
4 | 4 | 16 |
5 | 3 | 15 |
6 | 3 | 18 |
7 | 2 | 14 |
8 | 2 | 16 |