In Castles of Tuscany, as a sovereign in Tuscany, you develop your regions by adding either new cards or tiles to each round Laying out gets or builds.
In addition to victory points, you also gain additional options and abilities.
The winner is whoever has the most victory points after 3 scorings.
The Complete rules may not be fully described in this manual. The main focus is on how to use the game and how to get started quickly.
Build at the beginning Everyone puts their 3 game board pieces together to form a game board. Each piece can be rotated and moved, then you confirm your selection with the tick.
{3 }Then each player places his starting fort on one of his dark green fields.
Then everyone chooses Choose a bonus on the left side of the bonus bar.
Each bonus can also be chosen multiple times (when building a city).
The game runs over 3 rounds, at the end of each round a scoring takes place.
Whoever's turn it is has 1 of 3 possible moves:
Draw cards (2 + more if the bonus is chosen accordingly)
Take 1 tile from the display of 8 and place it on a storage space on the tableau.
< p> This is then automatically replaced by a tile from your own draw pile. If it is the last tile in this stack, the current round is played to the end and scoring follows.Place 1 tile from the tableau on the game board.
It must be placed in a matching color and always connected to a tile that is already on display. This costs 2 cards of the corresponding suit.
2 identical cards of a different color can replace 1 card of this color (as a joker).
If a contiguous area of fields of the same color is completed when laying, you get victory points:
Whoever is first If you have occupied all fields of one color, you receive bonus points for 1st place, the second player for 2nd place, other players get nothing.
< p> If there are 5 tiles of one color when you add them, they are removed and replaced with others.Each player has 3 draw piles.
The first round ends when the left stack of one of the players is emptied.
The 2nd round ends accordingly , as soon as the first middle stack is emptied.
The 3rd round is over as soon as the first right stack is at 0 (plus 1 more round).
At the end of each round the Points are transferred from the green counting field to the red counting field, but remain in the green field.
The game ends after the 3rd scoring, with each tile or wooden hexagon, Marble and worker as well as 3 hand cards each add up to one victory point.
The player with the most victory points wins. In the event of a tie, the winner is the one who has more empty spaces on their game board.
It is also decided who has fewer points in the green counting space.
When laying out, you can immediately place a tile from the 8-number display on your game board (with all effects (function, victory points ...)
Select 1 bonus in the bonus bar.
Place 1 wooden hexagon (joker tile) on the board.
You can build this on any field on your game board in one of the next turns (of course at the corresponding construction costs, i.e. cards or jokers).
In addition to the points for completing a color area, you also receive 1 point when placing it, or 2 points if This landscape type is not already in this area.
When you lay a quarry you get 1 marble block.
A player may give up 1 marble block a maximum of 1 time per turn in order to carry out 1 additional action.
The player receives 1 worker. Each worker handed in replaces any playing card (joker) when placed.
You receive 3 playing cards.
When you place a wagon you receive a yield card and with it you immediately receive the corresponding yield (victory points, playing cards, marble, workers, wooden hexagons).
Clicking on the question mark at the top right of the playing field opens a help field that shows the abilities of the individual tiles.
(Thanks for the rules go to: regi)