With /join 2-4 players can join the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the Game Tool!
Clans is a game about forming villages from the a series of huts scoring points for different colors. As part of the game you have a secret color which you are trying to ensure gets the highest points.
At the beginning of the game all the colored huts are randomly distributed on the different landscapes, with one on each.
The right hand portion of the screen shows the bonus points scored through out the game by each player. Your name is typed in your color. If your name is in white then you are playing as white! The different eras are shown in the middle, whilst the score for each colour/clan is shown at the bottom.
When the game starts your name will be shown in the top right hand corner in the color that you are playing with. (If the text is white then yes you are playing white!). The game is played by dragging one hut each turn to join another hut/group in an adjacent area. This area cannot be vacant. Lakes cannot be crossed over. As the game progresses more and more empty areas appear while settlements get larger.
Once a settlement is made up of 7 or more huts it can no longer be moved. Huts in adjacent areas can still be moved to this settlement. Where a large settlement of 7+ and neighboring single settlements exist, therefore, the smaller MUST be pulled to the larger. With groups of even size you can choose which one to move.
A group of huts collectively become a village, as soon as it is no longer surrounded by any other hut . Once this happens these huts can no longer be moved. Each player received one bonus point for forming a village/settlement.
The play extends over five eras, which are represented on the right side of the display. In each of the first four eras, one landscape improves the score (left landscape, e.g. forest in the first era), while the other landscape will give a zero score (right landscape, e.g. the mountain country in the first era). The other landscape types have no modifier. In the fifth era all landscapes are favorable. The table also shows the progression through each era (e.g. three villages in the second era).
Each color making up the new village gets as many points as the size of the village - no matter how many of any color there are in the new village. This does not apply if the village is formed with all five colors present. If a village contains huts from all 5 clans (with a village which has yet to be scored), then any huts from clans with only one hut are removed. All huts from clans that have 2 or more huts stay.
If a village is formed with a favorable landscape then every color represented in that village gets the bonus score in addition. This value is shown on the favorable landscape indicated by the current era. If a village is formed on an unfavorable landscape, then those clans receive no points for the village. A bonus is still awarded to the player who completed the village.
Careful: Drag and drop your hut(s) to the center of the target hut(s) . The borders on the interface do not necessarily line up with the allocated game memory, therefore do NOT aim arbitrarily.
There is a space Limitation of 19 huts in one space, if in the rare event that more than 19 huts are on one space, you can click(right mouse button or shift left mouse button) on the huts to see the exact count. < /p>
If during a turn several villages are created, then these are highlighted by question marks. The player who created the villages decides which village should score first. This may be important if there is a change in era and you wish to take advantage of the landscape bouns (or not)!
The game ends once the 12th village is formed (or in the rare case that no more huts can be moved). p>
Once the final move has been made, the colors of the other players is revealed and the scores calculated by adding the individual bonus scores to the appropriate color scores.