With /join can enter four or six players into the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the game management use.
This rule mainly provides the operation for the online game. In addition, the original instructions for Dog can be used. and Dog Royal as pdf download.
Also for the Black Dog Veriante
Dog is not just an extended "man, not angry": Through the maps and the team game character it has its own flair and repeatedly leads to another game.
The course of the game resembles the well-known "man, don't annoy you": Each player tries to bring his pöppel out of the starting house into play and to put it in the finish after passing through the field. The opposite players always play together as a team (blue/yellow and red/green). When joining, the first two and the last two players are automatically compiled to each team.
Calculation of the concentration
Even though it should be self-evident: Any Languages during the game are prohibited!
基 resembling:
To pull a pusher simply drag the desired card by drag & drop to the pusher, which should be moved with it. In the case of sticks close to each other, care should be taken to ensure that the pusher accepts a brighter color and the pulled card is shown to be reduced when you pull a card onto a pusher.
待機場所から、 captureマ matchesに参加させるためには、小さな矢印association2:
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If you don't want to bring a pöppel into play, the cards can also be used for normal drawing. With the 13 you simply pull 13 fields forward, with the 11 you can either pull 11 or 1 field forward.
With the exchange card own Pöppel the place with a foreign Exchange Pöppel. It doesn't matter if the pusher belongs to the partner or opponent. Pöppel in the start house or in the finish not be exchanged! Pöppel are also taboo on their starting field.
The +/- Four is the only card to move a pusher backwards. Very practical, e.g., when a poppet is on its own starting field: you can then pull it back with the 4 and, if you have a matching card, then move forward into the house in the next round. When playing the card you get a selection on the field: you can then either get four fields forward or four fields move backwards.
With the seven you can get the points on different own Split the poplars. Thus, for example, two fields can be run with a pusher, with another four and with a third pusher another field. Very practical in the target to pick up the poplars. Here too, all seven points must be consumed! Exception: If you play the Seven to target your last Pöppel and then you still have points left, they may be used for the Pöppel des Partners (see Playde).
Another property of this card is the "burning" overhauled poplar: all poplars that are skipped with this card are "burned" and are sent back to the starting house - also their own!
The Joker can be converted into any card. For example, it can also be used as a start card.
To play the card, click on it. It opens a selection of cards that could be played. Click on the desired card and pull it as usual under the pusher.
If you have rounded the field (or have been able to pull back with the four) and approaching the goal, please note:
If a player can't move his billet, he'll have to hand all his cards and make the rest of the round.
As soon as a player has brought his four pairs home, he supports his partner with his cards. He moves as soon as he is on the line, whose poppet is now quite normal with his own cards. The game ends when a team has brought all eight pairs to the finish.
With this option you can Black Dog play. For Black Dog, the basic game rules apply with the following changes:
With the 5 and the 6, one of its pairs 5 and 6 fields. After that, the BlackDog draws 5 or 6 fields and "freezes" all the figures on which it passes, or lands on it.
with the 1-7 a To move between one and seven fields. Jumping poplars become not beaten. He then pulls the Black Dog the same number of fields.
The copy card allows you to copy any previously played card and use its function as if you had played it yourself. The copy card must not be played as a first card in a round.
With the magnetic card you pull a poppet on the field directly behind the next poplar. It is not possible to pull the magnetic card in or into the target.
With the 4 you cannot move backwards here, but you can divide the 4 points as desired and also with the Pöppeln of the partner draw. After a player has all 4 pairs in the target, the players of this team are allowed the 4 points of movement both on their own and on their own. on the Pöppel of the opponents split (also complete).
The complete Black Dog Rule can be found on the page of the Schmidt Verlag: Black Dog Rules
With this option you can Doge play. For Dog Royal, the rules of the basic game apply with the following changes:
If a player pulls a poppet on a special field, he will immediately receive an additional card. Exception: The Pöppel was moved with a exchange card or the special train of the citizen.
King: The king can only be beaten by another king. Exception: The king is on a strange starting field. There he may each Pöppel of foreign color are beaten.
In addition, the king can only be moved with the card values 1 to 7, a exchange card or a magnetic card. However, it may also start with the 13 or 1/11.
Knight: The knight can also be the only pöppel via blocked own or foreign starting fields take awayif he observes the ranking.
Citizens: If the citizen lands on a special field, allowed after drawing a map on the next free Special field jumping. He does not have to observe a ranking or blocked starting fields.
Narr: The fool may drop up to 2 points of the card value when it comes to the target.
With the 10 and the 4 you can skip Pöppel even if you are not likely to do so because of the ranking.
with the 1-7 a To move between one and seven fields. Jumping poplars become not beaten.
The copy card allows you to copy any previously played card and use its function as if you had played it yourself. The copy card must not be played as a first card in a round.
With the magnetic card you pull a poppet on the field directly behind the next poplar. It is not possible to pull the magnetic card in or into the target.