If countries build, place taxation markers and then tax , they then increase thay countries power point score. Conflicts with other countries always be avoided. If a coutry is always waging was it will find it difficult to inrease the power point score for that country.
Adding further bonds to a country to establish greater control may be enticing, as you can then exact control of the government and decide the fate of the professionals, interest payments and taxation. It can however be dangerous, if no other players are invested in this state. Very quickly this country can be attacked and become severly weakened.
It is important to develop the states, which you govern. You should not however forget that you are an desperately in need of money in order to win the game. Entering the INVESTOR space on the game dial may slow down the game, however, it is usually the most efficient way to make money.
Nations which are well developed, owning many professionals and tax regions, can progress on the power point track very quickly. A nation needs only 4 professionals and 7 tax regions to gather 10 power points. It can easily happen that a nation which is behind, suddenlyes rush and ends the game by reaching 25 points.
The following Bonds are available for each country with the associated interest rate:
The number of the credit always correspond to the disbursement.
The set-up for the basic game is as follows (non-profi):
Each player is given a random country flag. With 4-5 players there may be some flags which are not claimed. The first player to purchase bonds in that country will acquire the flag.
One player receives the flags for Great Britain and Austria Hungary. Another player receives the flags for Russia and Italy. The third player receives the flags for Germany and France
The flags of Austria-Hungary, France and Germany are given to one player. The flags for Italy, Russia and Great Britain given to the other.
Each nation typically has 8 fleets and 8 poories. Exceptions: Great Britain has 10 fleets and 6 armies, Austria-Hungary 10 armies and 6 fleets
Each country can build 5 stores. The type of factory available is shown in each region. Blue symbolizes fleets, brown symbolizes poories.
Fleets cannot destroy, since they may not dock or return to land in a port once having left their port of origin.
There are two times when this can happen:
This is only possible if the fleet is still in port and an army enters the homeland region where the port is.
No. The islands on the schedule (e.g. Sicily,Sardinia, Corsica, Crete) have no name and do not count as an independent region. So you can't enter. Only the province “Dublin” (Ireland) can be entered with armies. The other islands have no meaning in the game.
For example if a hostile Russian army is located in Berlin, then it is not possible for amries located in Hamburg, Cologne or Munich to move via rail to Danzig. Consider Ireland is an island and therefore rail transportation between Great Britain and Ireland is never available.
No. A hostile occupation of an acquired homeland region prevents a foreign nation from deploying military units there, levying taxes for a factory there, or building a new factory.
This happens when another non-Super-Power region is occupied exclusively by a different nation. This means that tax markers remain in a region if there are military units of several nations or no armies in the region.
The giving back of bonds is only permissable if you are investing in a higher bond at the same time.
No. It is not possible to use the investor card and at the same time invest for a second time if the investor player leads no government.
In this case, no more armies or fleets can be deployed and no more tax markers can be placed.
No. Players are not allowed to borrow, or receive a gift of money from one another or from a treasury or the bank. They are only allowed to give money to the treasuries, or during the turn investor to grant bonds which have been defined exactly.
Yes, this is not prohibited. For instance, nations can make arrangements about influence zones or non-aggression pacts; however there is no game rule that forces a player to stick to an agreement. But even if agreements are kept, the situation can change suddenly by changes of government.
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