With /join 3-5 players can start in the game. With /start the game begins. In places here you can also use the Spel tool!
De afbeeldingen in deze handlingiding zijn in the Germans. Online you can play the game in the Nederlands too! You can try out the games in the handicapped way in the places.
Onderin het scherm wordt telkens de huidige ronde en fase getoond.
Right bovenin zie je het overzicht van de spelers. Achter elke naam staan het aantal punten dat deze speler al heeft gehaald (Pt) en het aantal kloosters (K) en raadsheren (R) dat hij nog in voorraad heeft.
When the player is activated, the state is * before and after the name. The starting player is made with an "S" for the name.
Onder the overview of the players has been taken from the three cards whichever one raises his hand. The two open-air maps of the trek stack and the right-hand side of the trek stack with the aantal map are reported here in cite.
As je aan de beurt bent, 1 tot 3 kaarten uitspelen . Click on the cards that you want to play and then say “ok”. India has a good amount of money at the moment (zie onder 4) with the same card, he is not registered. Then you have to have a stel card to select a war army which a pecuniary time can be thought of. When he was there, the word "ok" changed to "verder".
In the places where you can play on the map and in the garden you can also have a map attached. Click here first on the card that you want to read in "Afleggen".
The cards have been uitgespeeld voor alle spelers zichtbaar onderin het scherm.
Vervolgens kun je dan bouwen door op de plek(ken) op de kaart te klikken waar je kloosters of raadsheren wilt hebben (zie verder hieronder).
Nadat je raises gebouwd of a kaart heb afgelegd moet je net zo veel kaarten trekken than dat je gepeeld lifted. Je like voor elke kaart neighborhoods of je en open of gesloten kaart neemt. With a click on the gewenste map of the trek stack there is also a map.
Met behulp van de speelde cards can je now objecten plaatsen on the board. Here the 3-2-1 rule of concern is: with a maximum of 3 cards, a maximum of 2 objects can be placed in 1 country.
The card can be placed in 1 of 2 places. With a map of the Lorraine/Italy state you can find objects in Lorraine or in Italy. Twee gelijke cards tellen herebij as a joker of as twee cards for hetzelfde country: with twee cards France kun je dus 2 objects in France plaatsen of 1 object in bijvoorbeeld England. As each 3 cards are played, he wants to have 2 different objects, so 2 objects are placed in 1 country. There are two different types of objects: kloosters and raadsheren.
The kloosters have been marked on the border of the kloostervelden building. The two of them are connected with the reasons. Bij het plaatsen van kloosters geldt verder:
You play first 1 tot 3 cards for a country near you and now je klooster(s) op de gewenste pekken. Bij de meeste maps kun je neighborhoods in welk land je objecten plaatst, maar meerdere objecten moeten in hetzelfde land wer gezet.
Raadsheren kunnen in plaats van of tegelijkertijd met kloosters been plastered. The raadsheren was built in the middle of a land on the wapen of the land. In a country, the maximum number of players can be heard from all of the players, as well as the numerous kloosters in the country.
In the afbeelding there are 4 green ones 2 witte monasteries in Italy. The lake has a large area with 4 monasteries. In this case, in Italy at the moment, there will be a maximum of 4 wheels. There are monasteries in a country that have access to the streets in the squares.
He has been able to score two points in the game: halverwege and one of them. As for the two children, the game is agreed upon.
In the first telling, all the monasteries were made. Per land wordt bekeken hoe de verdeling is tussen de kloosters van de spelers. The player with the best kloosters has a large area of water in the country. The two plaats are made to have a large point in the water and are located in the first platbands. The two beds have a large point in the water and the two beds are located in the area. Bij a gelijke stand krijgen the relevant players always have the points.
Bij de tweede telling was also weer in the same manner of kloosters gewaardeerd. Now the kloosterketens and the raadsheren have been realised.
Kloosterketens have been registered with at least 4 kloosters which are connected in one direction with the Elkaar zijn door straten (aftakkingen tellen you niet mee). Ketens can cross the country's borders. Ketens leveren het aantal punten op gelijk aan de lengte ervan.
Raadsheren leveren punten op than ever in two lands the een verbond lifts the most raadsheren raises staan. The connection of the 2 lands is wordt to the door of the tallen 1 dead and 15 of the tussen 2 landen staan (eventueel with a connecting link).
The landen hoeven you never directly on the borders (bijvoorbeeld Aragon - Italy and England - Lorraine). Omgekeerd geldt that a gemeenschapellijke grens also niet direct betekent that he is a connected. There is a connection between Swabia and Franconia, Burgundy and Bavaria, and in Italy and Lorraine, thanks to the borders of the Elka via bond money. You can have a connection to the sea in both countries in order to have access to the connection. Bij a gelijke stood in a land hebebn de relevant spelers alleaal de meerderheid. There are many points that can be reached in both countries.
For Bavaria - Franconia: here there are all the big points for you raadsheren, aangezien wit en geel maar in één van both landen and merderheid hebben. Large heaps of real points in both countries with a score of 4 (Franconia) + 2 (Bayern) points.
For example Bavaria - Swabia: here there are all the points with large points Geel maar in één van both landen and merderheid hebben. With you get 2 + 2 points.
Voorbeeld Bavaria - Italy: with a big hebben but also a (gedeelde) sea and a score of 6 points.
Het speel eindigt na de tweede telling, dus nadat de trek Stapel voor de tweede keer op is geraakt.
The game with the most points wins the game. Bij a gleijk stand wint de speler die de meeste speelstukken nog over heeft.
All spelers have 20 kloosters 8 raadsheren dead hun beschikking.