Your turn has three attempts to complete a task and achieve the highest possible dice total. p>
Only those who roll high can score a lot of points - but those who fail to complete the task are left empty-handed unless they can take advantage of their second chance.
You can see the block on the left , in which the points and the score are noted. On the right side is the control area where you select your dice, re-roll them and put them out. You also end the move here with your corresponding entry in the block.
In the three pictures you can see the sequence of a train and the respective operating options. After rolling the dice, you can put your dice “out” as you like (above) and move them into the dice area (below). Double-clicking on a cube automatically “takes it out”; a double click on the upper display area immediately puts all dice out.
Using the re-roll arrow at the bottom left, you can re-roll all dice that have not been laid out. Once you have laid out all the dice, you can use the two buttons to enter your value either in the tingling field or the task field (last picture).
You all take turns playing the first line of the scoring sheet, then the second, etc. After everyone has made an entry in a line, the scoring points are distributed immediately .
During a turn you have three attempts to roll the dice to complete the current task.
At the same time try to achieve as high a dice total as possible.
So you can roll the dice up to 3 times and each Decide again whether you want to put the dice away, take the dice you have already put away back into the dice roll or whether you don't want to continue rolling the dice.
In order to complete the tasks, you have to roll certain colors. The tasks are easy to understand thanks to their symbols and the explanation below.
You can see on the dice tray whether a task has been completed and how many points it brings you. If you are unable to complete the task after 3 attempts, you can decide:
As soon as a line is completely filled in, i.e. each player has their dice total or an X in their field, the points are determined for each player. The points depend on the number of players: The player with the highest dice total receives as many points as the number of players participating. The second-placed player gets one point less, etc. Anyone who entered an lower place. The next line begins with the player who has the highest value in the line above.
The color of the dice doesn't matter here. The trick: the dice sum entered in the tingling fields must increase from top to bottom. If that is the case, you can enter your dice total. If you can't do that, an X will be entered in the field. In the tingling field, the entry must always be larger than in all of your previous tingling fields. Any sum is possible in the first tingling field.
Here, too, the line is counted if all players have an entry. The scoring points are distributed exactly as described above.
As soon as all lines on the scoring sheet have been filled out and scored, the game ends. All points are added together to give the final score. The player with the highest total wins! In the event of a tie, the player who has the higher result in tick box 4 wins. If there is a tie here too, there are multiple winners.