The Pandemic expansion "On The Brink" provides new roles and event cards players as well as three new challenges that make the game more exciting. The original rules (in German) can be downloaded from here .
Six new roles and new events cards have been added to the game as well as the "Mutation" challenge.
The GENERALIST can take five actions per turn.
At the start of your turn,, the TROUBLESHOOTER strong> examine the number of cards equal to the current infection rate on top of the Infection Draw Pile and then replace them (in the same order). Also when moving to a city via a Direct Flight(not Charter), he keeps the card.
When the CONTAINMENT SPECIALIST enters a city, if 2 or more cubes of the same color are present, remove 1 of them. This happens automatically and does not cost an action. This is also true if he is moved by another player to that city.
When using the action "treat disease", the FIELD OPERATIVE can once per turn, for an action, take 1 cube from a city they are in and keep it as a specimin. They can then cure a disease at a research station by turning in 3 cubes/specimins and 3 cards, all of the same color to "Discover a cure".
The ARCHIVIST has a hand limit of eight cards. Once per turn, for an action, they may draw the city card matching the city your pawn currently occupies from the Player Discard Pile.
For the action "share knowledge", the EPIDEMIOLOGIST may take a non-matching city card from a player whose pawn is in the city you are in. You may do this once per turn, for an action, only on your turn (other players cannot give you a non-matching city card on their turns).
The OPERATIONS EXPERT (revised) may build a research station in your pawns current city for one action. Once per turn, for an action, while your pawn is at a research station, you may discard any city card to move to any city.
< a name="Mutation" id="Mutation">The Mutation challenge adds a fifth purple disease to the game that appears and multiplies in unpredictable ways.
Twelve new random disease (purple) cubes are introduced into the game. Three new mutation event cards are randomly mixed into the Player Draw pile and two mutation cards added to the infection discard pile.
The purple "mutation" can come into play in one of three ways:
Otherwise, the purple disease acts just like any other diseases treated (spread, cure, outbreaks, eradication). Exception : If, during an epidemic a city card is drawn where there are also purple cubes, they are ignored. Three cubes of the normal color there are placed.
To Cure the purple disease discard 5 city cards (in any combination of color) at a research station. At least one of these cities must have a purple cube on it. To cure the purple disease, the Scientist discards any 4 city cards and the Field Operative discards any 3 city cards and turns into 3 purple specimine cubes. In both cases at least one of the city cards discarded must depict a city currently containing one or more purple cubes.
The victory conditions are similar to the standard game:
For a win, points for the game increase by about 1/ 4 over the points for a standard game, ie 1/5/20/80 points.