This guide is for players who already know how to play the game Pandemic. It only explains the game interface.
Available actions are marked in yellow
The top icon means give a card, the middle icon means receive a card. Click on your desired icon to take this action. If a choice is available a menu will open with cards to select from.
The dispatcher therefore has an additional move option: he may move any pawn to another city containing another pawn.
The Dispatcher clicks on the icons as usual to perform the desired movement action, then he selects the pawn that he wants to move.
When drawing a card changes the state of play (drawing of an epidemic or an event card), players have the opportunity to play one of their event cards before the next phase of play.
To play an event card, simply click on the green check mark to accept it. If you do not want to play the card, you must click on the red X.
If this option is activated, the dispatcher needs the consent of his teammates to move their pawns.
This option determines the number of epidemic cards in the deck. For a startner/normal/hard/legend game then 4/5/6/7 epidemic cards are used. Winning the game scores 1/4/16/64 points, while a loss scores zero.
Basic game without the expansion roles from "On The Brink".
An additional communication method is provided to make playing Pandemic more effective. You can use icons to make suggestionsThis makes proposals.
The main menu is located below the player information boxes. It is exposed by clicking on icon in the white speech bubble. This will then open a sub-menu. Each icon will open a different sub-menu.
For all sub-menus: to return to the main menu, click on the green arrow. Your proposal is posted by clicking on the speaker icon. Your proposal will show now in the top right of the output window.
If you want to propose a specific pawn to move to a specific city, check the box below the corresponding pawn left check the box under the white arrow. Just click on the desired location.
To make a proposal to the dispatcher to bring 2 pawns together, check the box of the target pawn on the right (instead of the arrow).
To make a proposal to tread a disease, highlight the target city and click on the speaker icon.
To make a proposal to build a research station, highlight the target city and click on the speaker icon
To suggest a proposal to "share knowledge", first click on the two pawns who will share (left is the giver, right is the receiver). Then choose the colour of the target card by checking the box below. You can therefore select a specific city by select the arrow.