At Rhodes, the player takes on the role of a farmer who brings goods to town in small boats to do lucrative trade or expand his farm. The player who has the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner. Players earn points by bringing fresh produce from land to port, fulfilling order cards, upgrading their farm and turning it into a country estate with special buildings. At the end of the game, gold and money can earn extra points.
Since this is only an instruction manual for the game in the BrettspielWelt, take a look at the original rules. You can find the rules here.
Rhodes AnleitungAt the start of the game, each player receives a starting amount of 30 drachma (25 for 4-5 players) and the order to purchase two farms for his farm. For these "starter farmers", you also get a raw material of the chosen type immediately.
Jede Aktion in dem Spiel muss nach einer erfolgten Auswahl mit “OK” bestätigt werden oder kann mittels "X" abgebrochen werden, wenn dies erlaubt ist.
The game is played over several rounds. A game round consists of 2 phases. In the first phase you play one of your 2 actions in turn on the game board.
Once all players have completed their actions, a new order of play will be determined for the next round by choosing a seat on the order plan (in reverse order) and receiving rewards or paying extra costs according to the seat.
ATTENTION: Whenever a die with a "? this is a wild card, which can be exchanged by tapping on the desired product/colour.
You have 6 different action options, two of which can be executed per round if they have not already been executed so often by other players that there is no "place" to perform the action.
By selecting two production types, you determine the production that is to be triggered. This production is distributed among all players in turn.
This action is triggered by selecting two of the available production plates to determine the quantity and then depositing them on the farms to determine the type of production.
Since the distribution of the raw materials takes place in the seating order of the players (one commodity per player), it is possible to influence who receives more or less commodities. (To get a product you need an agricultural card with free space of the corresponding variety in your yard)
You can see your own farm and the farms of the other players by clicking on them. To execute the action, select the action station directly. This way, each player can activate his farm once per round.
By activating one gets from each of his court cards the indicated bonus of money and victory points (in the lower part of the tile). In addition, you can use all the actions of your farm.
The use of the farm presupposes that at least one of its fully loaded ships is allowed to enter the port. In addition, one victory point or 2 drachma per load on the loaded ship is obtained.
You load a ship of your choice by selecting a ship and the available raw materials. The arrows on the right side of the window determine whether you want to receive victory points or drachmas and you can see the complete "income". You can also use the other farm activities before loading.
Two actions are carried out at the port, which do not necessarily have to be used both.
At the harbour you can buy as many goods as you want by clicking on them and own drachma. The price of the goods at the port is above the ships. The warehouse can store no more than 10 goods.
A task that can be fulfilled afterwards, once you have the necessary raw materials in stock, can be selected by tapping on it. The necessary goods for an order can be taken out of stock, from the current purchase at the port or directly from your own estate. If goods from the estate are used (maximum 2 allowed), they have to be paid for in Drachmen. (1 item for 3 drachma, 2 items for 8 drachma). The program will automatically indicate whether this order can be fulfilled and how much may have to be paid for it.
At the market you sell goods from your farm for drachma. It is important to be there in front of the other players, because with every player who has been in the market before you, the sales value is reduced by one drachma.
In the temple you can convert other drachmas into victory points. Here too, as in the marketplace, it is better to be in the temple earlier in order to pay less.
(1st player in the temple: 5 drachma for one victory point)
(2nd player in the temple: 7 drachma for one victory point)
In the town hall you can expand your estate. You can buy different developments or new farms and build them in your own property. New agriculture makes it possible to make more profit from production. Developments offer various possibilities for improvement, such as more storage space or the direct transport of goods from the estate to the warehouse.
You get 1 SP for all 2 units of the corresponding product on your property.
Poseidon gives a victory point.
During the production phase you get an additional unit to harvest a crop for which you have an agricultural map.
With this card you can store one unit of each type of product. This is only possible if an agricultural map of this variety is available in the player's estate and if it is full.
If you transport a product from your own agricultural map to your own warehouse, you get 1 Drachma from the bank for it.
You get a product on your own agricultural map if there is enough storage space. Besides, you get 1 drachma from the bank.
This is used to exchange a product from your warehouse for another product from the general stock. You can't make gold with this! You also get 1 drachma.
The game ends with the round in which the pending orders can no longer be refilled with new ones. In this last round of the game, each player is exceptionally allowed to purchase goods and complete orders at the port, even if all fields of action are already occupied by other players. However, only if he has not yet used the harbour action in this round.