As gold seekers, the players go in the mine to hunt for the valuable metal. Suddenly a pickaxe breaks and the mine light goes out. A saboteur has struck. But who is up to mischief in the tunnel? Will the gold seekers be successful or will the saboteur gain the upper hand with his sinister actions? It stays exciting until the end! After three rounds, the player with the most gold pieces wins.
This is just a brief summary of the rules and an instruction manual.
The complete rules and further information can be found here directly at AMIGO.The game is played in order. During his turn, each player has the opportunity to place a path card, place an action card on a player or he can pass by discarding one of his hand cards.
After performing one of these actions, the player receives the card you get a new card from your hand and it is the next player's turn.
To place a path card, click on it and drag it to the desired location in the playing field. Normally the card is always aligned appropriately and snaps into the possible places. If the direction of rotation cannot be determined clearly, it can be rotated using the "rotation arrow" on the map you first clicked on and thus preset.
Path maps can only be placed where they are have a continuous connection to the start card.
Action cards with the Objects Lantern, Pikel or Lore are played either on a fellow player or on yourself.
Action cards with destroyed objects can You can draw on a player to prevent this player from playing further path cards.
Any player already has it If an object is destroyed, you can draw an action card with the same undamaged object on it to remove the game ban.
There are two more action cards with which you can secretly look under the target cards to get information about where the gold treasure is or just worthless rubble.
You play this card with the rockfall on top of any path card already placed on the field. This path card is destroyed and removed from the game. This allows a saboteur to interrupt the connection to the starting card, or a gold prospector to remove a dead end in order to continue building there.
You can drag this card over one of the three target cards to look at it secretly. With this you can try to collect information about where the gold treasure is.
If the gold seekers win, gold cards with values of 1-3 gold pieces are distributed to the gold seekers in the opposite direction of the game. The gold seeker who connected the gold receives the highest gold value and the following players each receive the next lower value.
The Scoring at the end of the round shows which players were saboteurs or gold seekers and shows each player personally how much gold each player receives. Since the gold is awarded secretly, the information can either not be displayed at all or can only be determined based on the gold and gold cards received.
The game ends after 3 rounds. You can then see a summary of the ratings and the distribution of roles in the three rounds. Whoever has collected the most gold has now won the game.