Per giocare clicca sul pulsante Sudoku della barra strumenti.
You can close this window with the red X at the top right in the corner. The context aid is obtained by clicking on the blue question mark.
Con la configurazione della barra del menu puoi cambiare a piacere i tool di aiuto.
The field consists of a grid field with 3x3 blocks, each divided into 3x3 fields. Some of these fields are already filled with one digit, the others as a solution aid with the possible digits 1 to 9.
The goal of the game is to fill all fields with numbers 1 to 9 so that each digit 1 to 9
to be found.
The solution is clear and it is not necessary to guess.
Click on "New Sudoku" to start the game.
To fill a field with a digit, click one of the small auxiliary numbers. To correct a filled field, click it again and see the auxiliary numbers again.
The auxiliary numbers can also be used to mark several possible numbers for a field. To do this, click one of the possible numbers and click again in the same field. Now you can highlight further aid numbers by clicking.
If you notice that you have already made mistakes and do not want to try to correct them, you click on "Stop". Then the correct solution is displayed and you can start a new Sudoku. However, only correctly dissolved brewocus are evaluated.
If you prefer to play differently, i.e. exclude all numbers that can no longer occur, then you can select all the auxiliary numbers. To do this, click on the small arrow next to the Sudoku icon in the toolbar and then select "Selects numbers".
Now you click the numbers of aid gradually, until there is only one left in one field. The field is then filled with it. Here, too, a filled field can be corrected by clicking it again. Changes to this setting will be visible with the next game.
Who the numbers are too small can select "Double Size" on the above-described path to get a larger game window. Depending on the window size, you should remove the game window from the client. Changes to this setting are immediately visible.
Once all fields are filled, click on "Lösen" to check the solution. If the Sudoku has been solved correctly, a congratulation appears.
Otherwise, the incorrectly filled fields are marked red and the game is finished.
Only games that have been solved correctly are evaluated. The number of points corresponds to the time in seconds that you needed to solve.