With /join 3-5 players can join the game. With /start the game begins. alternative, you can use the Game Tool!
Each player tries to collect resources and products over 3 time ages, to build a wonder of the world. What you dont have, can be bought of the neighbors. However, the neighbors are not always peaceful, which is why you should not neglect your army.
This guide explains the main rules. A full set of rules can be found here.
On the top right corner all the players are listed. If you click on the colored dot next to a name, the pleasant player's tableau is exposed to the front. If you click the same color again, the background is darkened and the played cards are faded in.
When looking at a tableau, the name of the owner of that tableau is loud in that player's color. The symbols next to the name indicate the status of the card select for the current round. The players with an hourglass have chosen a card. The players with a card symbol, still need to choose.
Each player starts the game with 1 World Wonder board and 3 coins as starting money.
The game covers 3 ages. Each Age contains 6 rounds. Its played as following:
In each Age all players start with 7 cards in their hands. From that hand only 1 card is chosen. The remaining cards are passed on, so they have their neighbour's cards in the next round. A card less ofcourse.
Meaning of the card symbols:
If I have built the Theatre in a previous round, I can now build the Statue, free of charge. If I do so, I can then build the Gardens in the following rounds. So free of charge.
There are 7 different kinds of cards:
Along with the cards in hand it is indicated on each card whether you can buy the building (green checkmark), can't afford it (red cross) or build it free of charge (yellow star).
There are cards that cost nothing to play (some raw materials in the first age etc.), all other building costs are indicated in the top right corner of the card. This cost can be in form of coins (the brown card in the picture) or in form of raw materials. On buyable cards the nearest costs are shown next to the green checkmark (here 1 on the woodcard).
To choose a card, you have to click on it.
With every card you can basically do 1 of 3 options:
This is the most-common action. You pay the building cost and get the building on your board. From now on, you can use it's abilities.
If you click a on a card to select it, you receive the following choices:
The top symbol indicates building. You click on the green arrow next to it to build. If the building costs raw materials and/or goods, a payment window will now open.
To the left is shown the required raw materials/goods, above you see your coins. If you produce any of the required resources yourself, then you click the blue arrow below it. If you lacquer the resources, you can buy them from your neighbours. You have to click the blue right/left arrows to arrange that. That 2 coins per resource. The amount of coins you have that exceeds the cost are darkened. (In this case 2 + 1 = 3 coins). You complete the trade by clicking the green checkmark.
Rules for trading:
In the picture shown the player has an western trading post, which is why he can buy the wood for only one coin from the right neighbor (Nessi). Unfortunately, Nessi produces only one wood, so he must buy the second wood for expensive two coins from the left neighbour (Vreneli).
Note: Raw materials/goods are only "virtual". They are not given, The leftover resources will not remain. However, every raw material/good can be used only once.
A player may Not applicable build the same building twice!
Each World Wonderboard has 2 sides. A & B. Which one that is used is decided before the game begins.The A-side always have 3 steps building. The amount of building steps varies on the B-side. On the A-side, the first step always give +3 Victory points and the third step always give +7 Victory points. The second step bonus are determined by the child of World Wonder.(see Card Overview).
When building parts of the World Wonders, you start from the left and work towards the right. You need the required raw material any card you choose. That card leaves play concealed.
To build parts to your World Wonders, you must click on the second arrow.
If the arrow is orange, the World Wonder cannot be built. (The necessary raw materials do not exist etc.)
Note: World Wonders doesnt have to be completed before the game ends. The doesnt have to be built in specific ages. You can build 0 parts in Age 1 and part 1 and part 2 in Age 2 etc.
This option can always be chosen. Even if the card carries the red X. The card sold for 3 coins this way, is concealed in the discard pile.
To turn the card into 3 coins, click the bottom arrow.
If all players have chosen a card and used it, the remaining cards are concealed and passed on to the neighbor. In the first and third age the cards go detection. In the second age they go counter detection.
In the 6th round, each player have 2 cards to choose from. They choose 1 and place the other in the discard pile.
At the end of every age the military conflict occurs. Each player compare their number of shields (red cards) to each of their neighbors.
The game ends after the military conflict in the third age. All victory points are added together (see Final Scoring). The player with the most victory points wins the game. In case of a tie, the amount of coins is the tie-breaker. In case the game is still a tie, the game will have more than one winner.
From left to right:
*1/4/9/16 Victory points for 1/2/3/4 Other symbols
*7 Victory points for each set
The victory points from both categories are then added
Player A have 3 written boards, 2 wheels and 2 circles. He gets 9 points for the written boards and 4 points for each of the other double symbols. (9 + 4 + 4 = 17).
Because he has two complete sets, he so gets 2 x 7 = 14 points. With his research buildings he totally receives 17 + 14 = 31 points.
Only the A sides of the Wonder of the World tableaux are used. Recommended for the first rounds.
Only the B sides of the Wonder of the World tableaux are used.
Both sides of the Wonder of the World tableaux can be used.