Since the introduction of the guilds into the Brettspielwelt, talers are no longer the only currency. There are also seven resources available. They are used to construct buildings and to support the inhabitants.
Towns receive resources and talers for finished games. Each time a game is played it creates (number of players - 1) resources, for many games multiplied by a factor > 1. The types of goods you get are random with the probabilities depending on where the town is situated (read the history of the world for this). 25% of the time the town that the game is played in gets the resources. 75% of the time the resources are distributed to the town of one of the players who have joined a town. Players from ARMfeld are not taken into account.
5 players (two of them from ARMfeld, one from city A, two from city B) play a game in town A. The game has a factor of 2 and therefore generates (5 players - 1) x 2 = 8 resources. 25% of the time the resources would go to city A because the game room is located there. The other 75% is divided evenly among all the players who are playing the game.
In all, city A has a 50% chance to receive all 8 resources (25% for the location of the game + 25% for player A). City B also has a chance of 50% (2 players from city B) to receive all 8 resources. If only players from ARMfeld would play that game, all resources go to the town where the game is played.
BSW has its own calendar, which starts on the "Day the Great Oracle Appeared". It consists of four seasons: Lenzing (which is similar to our world's spring), Ernting (summer), Gilbhart (autumn) and Hartung (winter). Each season has a length of precisely 60 days, therefore a BSW year takes 240 days. You can see the current day by using the World Map tool.
The quantities of raw material types given by each game depends on the BSW calendar. The number of raw materials produced remains the same, however, the types and quantities change. Only the Quarter Master knows the exact type given.
Primary Resources
There are five primary resources produced. The combination of types depends on the location of the city in which the game takes place on the World Map and the time of the year. The combination can be influenced by Production Buildings.

Wood: is needed for buildings and in tool production.

Stone: is needed for buildings, especially for large ones.

Ore: is needed only in small quantities for building, but very important for tool production.

Wool: is needed for some buildings and for cloth production.

Food: is necessary for the support of the inhabitants.
Secondary Resources
Every town may produce secondary resources after building a weaving-mill and/or a forge:

Cloth: is made from 3 wool. Citizens need it for clothes.

Tool: is made from 3 wood and 2 ore, and is essential for building and taxes.
Resources may be sold and bought at the Stock Market in ARMfeld.

Talers: it is always good to have some money.
Raw materials may be traded at the stock exchange in arm field. Hanse towns may also barter directly with each other using the town hall.