Trading resources
This page explains the resource trading function performed at the Resource Market in ARMfeld and at the Town Hall in hanse towns. In non-hanse towns, the Treasurer (Kämmerer) is responsible for the trading at the Resource Market. In hanse towns, the Ambassador (Botschafter) is responsible for the trading at the Resource Market and Town Hall.
Resource Market

The Resource Market in ARMfeld is in the room 0 (' /room 0'). To access, click on the building on the right. To access directly, use the command '/game 0'.

In this screen, the current buying/selling price of each type of resource is shown on the left, whilst the interface for buying/selling the resources is on the right. Above it, the number of talers the town has is shown.

If you are trading, click on the arrows to adjust the amount of resources you wish to buy/sell.
Special Incrementing Functions: Left-click: 1. Right-click: 10. Shift+Left-click: 100. Shift+Right-click: 1000.

After deciding on the amounts of resources to trade, click on the 'Execute Trade' button.

The bars on the left reflect the current market prices. The lower price is the selling price whereas the upper is buying. The prices depend on the supply and demand. Please note that buying/selling a huge amount of one kind of resources may induce a huge change in the prices and this affects the amount of cash flow. The price shown may have changed so beware.
Barter at the Resource Market
In the stock exchange, barter of resources is also possible at the ratio of 1:5. For clothes and tools, the ratio is calculated according to the amount of raw materials needed to produce them.

To switch between the buying/selling interface and barter interface, click on the small words below the banner.
These are shown as either 'Market' or '5:1 Trades'

Beside the resources, the units used in barter are shown. Wood, stone, ore, wool and food count as one resource each, cloth as three, whereas tool counts as five. Five foods, for example, may be bartered for one wool; 15 foods for one cloth. Further examples include 25 clothes for 3 tools; and 3 tools for one cloth.

You can adjust the amout of resources you wish to trade by using the arrow buttons. The Special Incrementing Functions is as described previously.

Click on the 'Execute Trade' button to complete the transaction after adjusting the number of resources to be barted. The barter is only valid only when the amount of resources matches the 1:5 ratio. Otherwise, green text will appear to indicate the concerned amount of resources.
Making Trades via the Town Hall
As soon as a town joins the Hanseatic league, the ambassador of the town can trade directly with other Hanseatic league towns. In this way, the towns trading will save the 10% sale tax levied at the Resource Market in ARMfeld.

Trades between Hanseatic towns can be carried out at the Town Hall by the Botschafter. They can make offers and/or accept/reject offers from other Hanseatic towns.

The Action Window is located in the top right.
- Click on the green button 'Transmit' to agree to an offer
- Click on the red button 'New Offer' to start a new offer
- Click on the blue button 'Refresh' to refresh the page and see if a new offer has arrived.

The Ambassador (Botschafter) can switch between trade partners by clicking on the horizontal arrows in the top banner. Alternatively they can dial up a specific trade partner by using the numbered dial on the left. The return arrow is used to switch between offers with the same trading partner.

Just like trading in ARMfeld, the amount to be traded may be adjusted by arrows, with the same setting of adjustment precision.

The status screen shows the state of the exchange: A tick means approved, a cross is rejected and a question mark means "no answer yet".
The Hanseatic league towns A and B would like to trade. The ambassador of town A clicks 'new offer'(Red Button). They adjust the desired raw materials and activates in 'Selber' with a tick. Now they click on 'delivering'(Green Button). The ambassador of town B clicks subsequently on 'updating'(Blue Button). They observe the offer and click in 'Selber' also with a tick. Then they click on 'delivering' (Green Button).