Changing the resource mix of a city
Through the construction of production buildings a town can alter its generation of raw materials. There is a production building for each raw material as follows: sawmill (wood), quarry (stone), ore mine (ore), sheep farm (wool) and farm (food).

- A production building costs a fee to activate, and runs until a set volume is processed.
- Production buildings are each 4x4 spaces in size.
- You can only have 2 production buildings (of the same or different types) maximum at any time .
- Construction (setting the site and completing) is free, as is removal, however only an inactive production building can be removed!
- When the set production order is completed, the building becomes idle.
- While the building is active (has volume > 0), production of the building's associated raw material in the town is approximately 10% more likely than normal. If two buildings of the same kind are active, then that product is about 20% more likely, but the activation fee for each building must be paid.
There are five population-dependent capacity settings for a production building. The Treasurer/Storeman can activate a production building, with the following costs:
- Capacity of 50 * the number of citizens => cost of activation of 1,00% of each other resource.
- Capacity of 100 * the number of citizens => cost of activation of 1,05% of each other resource.
- Capacity of 150 * the number of citizens => cost of activation of 1,10% of each other resource.
- Capacity of 250 * the number of citizens => cost of activation of 1.15% of each other resource.
- Capacity of 500 * the number of citizens => cost of activation of 1.20% of each other resource.
Proportionally it is more profitable to choose the smallest capacity.
Other raw materials cannot be made via other methods (tools and fabrics).
The capacity describes how much raw materials must be generated in the city before the production completes.
As an example, consider a sheep farm in city of 23 citizens, activated at the minimum level.
- Overall capacity = 50 (activation level) * 23 (population) = 1150
- Activation cost: 1,00% of 1150 = 11.5 (this has a chance of 50% to be rounded down to 11 or up to 12).
To activate the city must pay e.g. 12 wood, 11 stone, 12 ore and 11 food and receives an increase in the probability of obtaining wool for the next 1150 resources generated in and for the city. (There is no effect on resources earned by foreign players the city, or on resources gained abroad by local citizens.) The production buildings modify only the mix of resources earned by the city within its own boundaries.
Supposing the city would manufacture normally 20% wood, 40% stone, 10% ore, 20% food and 10% wool, then this production would change as follows: 18% wood, 36% stone, 9% ore, 18% food and 9% wool, plus another 10% wool from the sheep farm.
Here is the example worked in full detail for the first thousand units of domestic production, assuming resources are earned out-of-town at an equal rate.
Without production building:
- earned in other towns: 100 wood, 200 stone, 400 ore, 100 wool, 200 food (1,000 units)
- Home Produced: 200 wood, 400 stone, 100 ore, 100 wool, 200 food (1,000 items)
- Total: 300 wood, 600 stone, 500 ore, 200 wool, 400 food (2,000 goods)
With an active sheep farm:
- earned in other towns: 100 wood, 200 stone, 400 ore, 100 wool, 200 food (1,000 units)
- Home Produced : 180 wood, 360 stone, 90 ore, 190 wool, 180 food (1,000 items)
- Total: 280 wood, 560 stone, 490 ore, 290 wool, 380 food (2,000 items)
That corresponds at an effective cost of 20+10 wood, 40+10 stone, 10+10 ore and 20+10 food for 90 wool (reduction in non-wool in production + pro-rated cost of activation), for a cost/value ratio of 13:9.
For the maximum (5th) level of activation that would become 20+12 wood, 40+12 stone, 10+12 ore and 20+12 food for 90 wool, for a cost/value ratio of 14:9.
The probability of obtaining wool was increased for 1000 resources, with 1000 units taken from the capacity of the building. The remaining capacity is 1150 - 1000 = 150.
Processing Resources
Weaving-mill and forge
Not all resources are directly available as needed. Cloth and tools need to be produced. The citizens of a town have to help with this. They can transform resources in the weaving-mill and the forge.
Set a production order

The ambassador and the foreman can set production orders in the weaving-mill and the forge. They use the buttons shown on the left to do so. The citizens of his town must now work to produce these resources. Non-Hanse towns have no ambassador, so the treasurer takes over the job of the ambassador. In each weaving-mill and forge only one production order can be set once an hour. An order can only be successfully fulfilled if the necessary amount of wool or wood and ore are stored in the warehouses. The production result will be delivered to the market place.
Fulfill a request

A citizen can work for his town in the weaving-mill or forge. To fulfill a request, he clicks on the Start button. Now he can produce cloth or tools respectively.

A sequence of these five knobs will flash up. The citizen must reproduce this sequence by clicking the right knobs in the correct order. The first sequence will consist of only one flash, the second of two flashes, the third of three and so on. This continues until the requested amount is reached. If e.g. the ambassador set an order of 10, citizens must reproduce a sequence of 10 flashes.
In the laboratory it's possible to transform resources of one type (wood, stone, ore, wool, food) to one of the other 4 types.
The resulting amount is about 50% of the used volume. This depends on three factors: the current rates on the market, magic points and a bit of coincidence. The most expensive good has the highest probability of being the resulting good.
The ambassador or the foreman can set the type of resources which are to be transformed (one of the 5 types or the "cheapest" one).
Magic energy: all players gain this by playing MU-games. To be able to work in the laboratory at all you have to have gained a certain amount of magic points. A higher amount of points will result in a higher amount of goods as a result and versatility has a positive influence as well.
The fulfilling of a request: a part of the magic energy is subtract when an order is successfully fulfilled. Only citizens of the town can work in the laboratory of that town (foreign workers can't).
Working in the laboratory only pays off when the most expensive resources are at least three times the price of the used resources.