Terms of use

  • Registration and use of the Brettspielwelt is free of charge.
  • Using the platform brettspielwelt.de is open to everyone who accepts these conditions and behaves accordingly. We reserve the right to disallow users using this platform temporarily or permanently, if they do not act according to the rules on this platform.
  • We ask you, as a member of this community, to always behave permissively and fairly towards other members. Respect other people and refrain from personal attacks of whatever kind. It is extremely important to us, that there is a friendly and relaxed atmosphere inside the BSW chat channels as well as on the forums.
  • It is absolutely forbidden to post, link to, include or otherwise promote racist, pornographic, dehumanizing or insulting content, or such that is opposed to common morality values. It is also absolutely forbidden to post, link to, include or otherwise promote copyrighted material without consent of the copyright owner, as well as any illegal content whatsoever. This holds in BSW's chat channels as well as the forums and any other means of communication within BSW. Any user who considers this rule to be broken is kindly asked to contact a mediator, moderator or administrator.
  • All information saved upon registration is treated stricly confidental and we do not distribute them to third parties. We use them only for the quarterly Brettspielwelt-Newsletter.