
A lottery costs the guild between 500 and 5000 talers and lasts for 3 to 7 days. Each individual game during this time will get a lot. After the lottery period is over, the guild's TM will draw one lot. All players who participated in the corresponding game will then get an equal share of the price money. To organize a lottery, a guild must first build its guild house.

Current lotteries

Current lotteries
Game NameBeganEndsPrize
Tichu15.01.25 - 20:59 Uhr18.01.25 - 20:59 Uhr5000
SanJuan15.01.25 - 00:29 Uhr19.01.25 - 00:29 Uhr900
CC-JaegerUndSammler17.01.25 - 17:06 Uhr20.01.25 - 17:06 Uhr528
Zatre16.01.25 - 06:49 Uhr21.01.25 - 06:49 Uhr500
Tulpenfieber16.01.25 - 18:34 Uhr23.01.25 - 18:34 Uhr600
NotreDame16.01.25 - 18:37 Uhr23.01.25 - 18:37 Uhr600
Emerald16.01.25 - 18:39 Uhr23.01.25 - 18:39 Uhr600
PiranhaPedro16.01.25 - 18:41 Uhr23.01.25 - 18:41 Uhr600
Wikinger16.01.25 - 18:44 Uhr23.01.25 - 18:44 Uhr600

Finished lotteries