BrettspielWelt Community

About this community

BrettspielWelt (boardgameworld) is a place that unites people from all over the world with the same hobby, the playing of board- and card games. In this living community you can meet new people and make friends. Here you can play games, chat and have fun. For the ambitious gamer, there are tournaments and leagues.

Although the community is growing fast, Brettspielwelt tries to hold on to familiarity. Every player should therefore try to be friendly, fair and considerate. A friendly greeting when entering a game room and asking before joining a game are always welcome. Leaving a game before it is finished, insulting fellow players or reckless behaviour is frowned upon and damages the community.

BrettspielWelt was "born" at the end of the nineties when the "Father of BrettspielWelt" lost his real life gaming partners when they moved away. It started with the settlers game and grew over the years into the BrettspielWelt as we see it today. If you want to find out about the Making of BrettspielWelt and the people behind it you have to read the "About us" page.

BrettspielWelt is free of charge and free of advertising and is financially supported by publishers of games. This makes it possible to play quality games in this "World of Games"


With the Application form you can register as a user of Brettspielwelt. This is free of charge and has several advantages. Your nick name is protected and a lot of commands are only available for registered users.

Forum and Wiki

In the Forum you can discuss a variety of topics. Here you can report problems, make suggestions and find out about news. It is also possible to just talk and have fun.

The Wiki is from users for users and everybody is welcome to participate. A whole lot of information and reference work is waiting for you there.


Mit der wachsenden Zahl an Usern gibt es auch immer mehr reale Treffen, die meist von Usern selbst organisiert werden. Hier kann man endlich mal die Leute kennenlernen, mit denen man sonst nur virtuell spielt. Von der BrettspielWelt zentral organisiert gibt es einmal im Jahr im August das Sommertreffen in der Jugendherberge Helmarshausen bei Kassel sowie im Januar ein Treffen in Drübberholz.

Photo Gallery

The photo album gives you an idea what these gatherings are all about. Have a look and see for yourself.


Due to the growing number of users there are unfortunately also a growing number of unwanted behaviours here on BSW. To ensure the kind of fairness and friendlyness you expect to find here there are honorary Mediators and stewards that take care of droppers, cheaters and other unwelcome players.


Some BSW gamers designed YELL, the BSW newspaper, which appeared at irregular intervals and reported on various areas of BSW. Old issues can still download.

Yell was superseded by BrettspielWeltMagazin, also edited by users for users. There are always up-to-date reports on everything in BSW.

There is also the Gazetta, for all players interested in tournaments and ligas.

Und wer beim Spielen gerne noch Musik hört, bekommt diese samt BrettspielWeltinfos und -neuigkeiten bei den beiden Internetradios, die von einigen Usern der BrettspielWelt ins Leben gerufen und unterhalten werden: Radio Brettspielwelle und radio mean variation. Beide können direkt in der BrettspielWelt gehört werden, indem man die Befehle /radio brettspielwelle bzw /radio meanvariation im Hauptchat eingibt. Ausgeschaltet wird mit /radio off.