FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Profile and Language Settings

How do I get a photo into my player info?

Send a photo of yourself to kartoffel@brettspielwelt.de. The following points should be considered:

  • The photo must be in the jpg format
  • It should be 64 pixels wide and 80 pixels high
  • The name of the photo must be the same as your login name including character case
  • You should again include your Login ID including character case in the e-mail.

Photos are added about every three weeks. If you follow the above guidelines, you should have your photo added in a prompt manner.

Where can I change my personal information or add some?

You must first log into the BSW WEB Pages (top right hand corner). You should now see a “my BSW” box with a link to Profile. There you can change then everything except your Login ID. You must log in again into BSW to make this information active.

How can I change the language of the website?

BSW provides several different languages for it's WEB Pages. You can set your default language within your Profile. Go to the 'Settings' section and select your language. There are other ways to see these pages in different languages:

  • In your Browser pre-setting you can indicate your desire language. There is the selected side in this language, this is included.
  • On the BSW WEB Pages , on the top right are 5 small flags. Click on the flag to switch to that langauge.
  • Add the code "?nation=en" to the end of the URL (e.g. http://www.brettspielwelt.de/ would become http://www.brettspielwelt.de/?nation=en)
  • In your Profile: Under “Settings” you can select your desire language. This language setting works, as soon as you log on the BSW WEB Page.

How can I change the language of the server messages and the games in BrettspielWelt?

The server messages in BrettspielWelt are available in many different languages. Naturally there are translations available in many standard languages, but there some fantasy languages available as well. There are several ways to change this setting:

  • Once you have the download client: in the prop file, replace the Nation = de entry with Nation = abbreviation of your favorite language.
  • When using the Java in a Browser: Under profile and "Settings" you can set your desire language from the "Client lang.:" drop down menu.
  • In BrettspielWelt use the command /language language abbrev..

There are also translations available for many graphics in the games and for the toolbar. If you have altered the Nation = language abbrev. entry in your prop file these graphics will be loaded automatically. You can alter the toolbar to your fravorite language by right clicking on it and select configure. Then you can switch the original buttons with the translated ones.

What Characters can I use in my User ID?

You can use the following characters:

  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • 0123456789
  • !"#()*+,-./<=>?@[]{}\_^`´~
  • öäüÖÄÜßÇéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿ£Ø×áíóúñÑÑÁÁÂÀ¥¢ããÃ

It looks like my desired User ID is already assigned, but according to player info, it is still available.

If a login name is already registered in either case, it cannot be reused using a different character case. For example if “doze off” is registered, then you could use variants as “dozes off” or “do not doze off” instead. Nevertheless you can still log in as Unregisterd with one of these these variants into BSW.

How can I change my login name?

You cannot change the actual login name itself. Beginning with Rank W/K 4 you can temporarily change your name using the Kcommand /name Newname351

What advantages are there to registering?

When you rgister on BSW, the cost is free and your e-mail address is NOT passed on. The advantages of registering are:

  • It is easier to find players to play games with. Unfortunately, unregistered players may have a tendency not to finish games. This makes fellow users sometimes not likely to play with unregistered players.
  • You can advance in levels and gain some additional Commands.
  • Your login name is reserved for only you to use.